The Emperor’s New Proclamation

One there was a Christian emperor who enjoyed unlimited power over his dominion.

His spies had infiltrated every corner of his holy empire.

If anyone spoke against the emperor or defied his will, they would never do so again.

This Christian emperor, however, was deeply bothered.

He read in the Gospels that the first would be last and the last would be first, and that the meek would inherit the earth. He understood that the powerless were privileged in the eyes of God, even when — especially when — they were scorned by society.

The emperor, of course wanted to be first. He wanted to inherit the earth, and to pass it down to his heirs. Most of all, he wanted to bask in God’s approving gaze. But alas! He could only do so if he became last and meek and powerless.

After extensive inner work, the emperor found a solution: He renounced his power, and proclaimed himself powerless. And having renounced his power, he could now become an ally of the meek, scorned, oppressed and last in rank.

And the emperor’s spies and court also renounced their power, and joined the ranks of the powerless.

Anyone vicious or ignorant enough to defy the emperor or any of his powerless allies would be called out and brought before the tribunal to confess the corruption of their judgment and to renounce their unjust abuse of power.

In this way, the emperor empowered the marginal and powerless, and for the first time in human history created conditions of justice for all who deserved it.

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