
A language game is part of a lifeworld, and a lifeworld is a rite understood through participation.

If one extracts the linguistic component of a rite and participates solely in that aspect, one may partially understand, or totally understand — which is indistinguishable from totally misunderstanding, unless one trusts the indignation of the misunderstood.


A digression:

Ideologues know better. Indignation is denial of truth.

Seeing indignation this way is the cornerstone of ideology.

When this fact is pointed out to the ideologue, he is indignant, but in fact he is in denial of the truth of ideology.


The day comes when we can no longer defend ourselves. Our positions immobilize and stiffen, and we are laid bare. The mobile and supple dance around our prostrate legacy, examining, analyzing, delineating, and legitimately knowing better.


Anaximander, again?

Whence things have their origin,
Thence also their destruction happens,
According to necessity;
For they give to each other justice and recompense
For their injustice
In conformity with the ordinance of Time.

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