

Some mythical thoughts on the number myriad…






Pluralism = relativism – bullshit

(By relativism I mean popular relativism, that is, the notion that truth is meaningless as a norm.)


Polyphony is a relatively recent invention in music, mirroring a more ancient discovery in living together. It seems that shortly after we learned to sing polyphonically we forgot how to live polyphonically.


An infinite set of worldviews necessarily includes psychoses.


Interpretation works within pluralistic reality, winnowing myriad reasonable worldviews down to a manageable number. Myriad worldviews is far too many.

(Hermes is always killing Argos.)


True and reasonable should be criteria for consideration, but not automatic acceptance.


One worldview is insufficient for the sustenance of a culture.


Modernity aspired to intellectual monophony, but all could produce was cacophonic postmodernity.


Culture is the (soft) systematic integration of worldviews into a sustaining order. None of the constituent worldviews  can comprehend the culture to which they belong. They only participate in it. Their culture comprehends them. The  constituent worldviews divergently but harmoniously comprehends the myriad truths of their culture, and ignore everything out of key as if it doesn’t exist.



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