Booj Party

If, by some miracle, the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street were to cool their jets long enough to realize the common enemy is power concentrations of every form — that whether it takes the form of government, business, religion, military… any kind of power concentration is a threat to democracy — and united on the common goal of empowering and expanding the middle class, imagine what could happen.

Freedom depends entirely on even distribution of power/wealth.

I would love to see a  Booj Party, whose ideal is a universal middle class.

Universal middle class is just another way of saying “moderate prosperity for all”.


The fundamental ideal of the Booj Party is: Equal access to moderate wealth for all people.

The fundamental test of every economic policy will be: Will this policy put in place conditions that will encourage equal distribution of power/wealth?

And keep in mind: the power to distribute wealth “equally” presupposes a gross inequality of power. The Booj Party does not advocate any agency distributing anything anywhere. It works entirely by policies that enable individuals, through their own initiative, to become moderately prosperous.

What is moderate prosperous?




There’s no such thing as giving everyone the same opportunity to amass obscene wealth.

The minute someone seizes that opportunity and actually amasses obscene wealth, they have the power to destroy that opportunity for others.

But if all have the same opportunity to amass moderate wealth, each individual has far less of an opportunity to disrupt the system that encourages equality.

That arrangement is sustainable.

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