
Chaos might be blackness, or blindness — or it might be white noise.


Chaos might be inarticulate meaningless phenomena waiting to be given articulate meaning by an interpreter.

Or, chaos might be infinitely meaningful phenomena which overwhelms us until we choose one definitive articulation — or a plurality of compatible and harmonious interpretations.


Many people think truth is like a mirror of reality.

Another optical metaphor: Truth can be seen as a prism to help us stratify superabundance of meaning into layers of understanding.


In everyday situations where chaos reigns, isn’t that chaos composed of too many competing and conflicting orders — but partial orders, which suffer from blind spots, fuzzy patches, distortions and gaps? And don’t these orders perceive differing patterns of relevance, which justify the deficiencies as acceptable? The real problem is not to remove the deficiencies, but to come to an agreement on which deficiencies matter more and which matter less.


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