Worldviews over people

Choose one: 1) Love of your worldview. 2) Love of other living beings.

You think you can have both at the same time? You can’t.

You cannot serve these two masters.


The most disgusting thing in the world is to love a worldview more than living human beings. Such worldviews always claim to be founded on love.

Any religion that claims that you can love “God” apart from loving one’s neighbor is literally diabolical : Dia- “across” + -ballein “to throw”). You throw who someone is out of your worldview and keep only that of them that’s useful.


Reductionism is the ultimate act of contempt.

It is such a denial of the existence of something that you will not even acknowledge it to condemn it. You won’t even blot it out with blackness, because blackness exists. It become naught.


To make someone different from who they are in order to make them lovable is to annihilate them. Such love is infinitely worse than hatred.


To love someone demands sacrifice of worldview. Such a sacrifice is called LEARNING.

Many people will reject this vision of love, if they register it at all. They measure love by the number of unpleasant chores they do for other people, or how much person gratification they forgo, or how much curiosity they have about a person’s past or present biographical details.

I suppose we all define love by how we ourselves do it best, and construct our worldviews around that.


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