Novel imperfections

Not only is perfection unattainable, even its value is questionable. A better attainment is the discovery of fresh imperfections that demand our attention: compelling problems.


Perfection is an ideal which sets a goal for a pursuit. The locus of value is in the activity itself — the pursuit — not in final attainment of the ideal.

The futility of the pursuit of perfection is no argument against perfection, but a guarantee of pursuit’s permanent abundance.

If we fail to recognize this futility as a guarantee, and treat perfection as a chimera to ignore, life will devolve into slack laziness or hectic duty.

A meaningful life is spent in faithful and futile pursue pursuit of unattainable goals.


Longing is the core of mystery
Longing itself brings the cure
The only rule is suffer the pain.

Your desire must be disciplined,
And what you want to happen
In time, sacrificed.

— Rumi

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