Analogy:category, perspective:concept?

We label an analogy, and the analogy is now a category. Analogy: A is like B. Category: A is like B, and this likeness is named C.

We label an articulate perspective and the articulate perspective is now a concept.  Perspective: impossible to speak of apart from reporting on its objects (for example, A and B) in relation. Articulate perspective: A and B look like this together, from here where I stand. Concept: When you stand here and look out (and see, for example, A and B together) this perspective, seen from this standpoint, is to understanding by way of concept C.

There’s something wrong with this conception, but I can’t say what, yet. It has to do with the fact that there is more to a perspective than seeing from an angle. There is also a schematization of what is seen from this angle. But, I think that schematization is what is meant to be analogized by the perspective. There’s a point where optical analogies break down, and that’s where my own limits might be. But my whole orientation is to fight these limits.

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