No place to lay your head

Foxes have the holes, birds have their nests, and workers have their work stations. Everything established, everything with an accepted precedent, has its place in the world.

If, however, you are a new product-producer participant in humankind’s perpetual self-reinvention of humankind you will have no place until you make yourself a place.

Our choice is not either-or. We are not forced to either deny ourselves or to deny the world.

One thought on “No place to lay your head

  1. Wouldn’t it depend on the definition of “the world”?

    “The world” is actually a gestalt drawn around all the strata of what are, for human apes, possibly countless (but let’s say three) specific milieus, each with its own requirements and rewards.

    It would be brutally unfair (to a child, which is what I am yet) to portray “the world” as a whole as something malleable.

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