Dread and fear

All moods would prefer to find their source outside one’s own being. An example: dread would rather be fear.

People who never fail to find a particular object for each holistic state of the soul are prisoners in a poem. This can happen at the level of the individual, or it can happen collectively. A whole reality can degenerate into condensations of holistic irritability. Look around.

4 thoughts on “Dread and fear

  1. Brilliant. It’s the threshold, of the decision, of the individual to seek solution internally or to justify the external search on the basis of this ‘Poem” which you’re speaking of.

    Thats the way in which the synthetic state of society perpetuates itself; Society works collectively to create this intense feeling, and it misguides those without dependencies on internal resources.

    What you have written is so amazingly insightful, you must write more about this, this is a unique insight.

  2. What you have said is nothing short of:

    “Here is the exact location of the the border between ‘The Illusion of Society”


    “The Potential for Personal and Societal Growth”

    Look at you go dead eye! ;)

  3. We do always live in the poem, though. The question is: what relationship do we take to it? The ones who turn away from the images and try to look straight into the sun end up in the dark with smoking retinas.

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